....and anyone who knows my vivacious, dynamic, amazing daughter, Debbie, knows- well it's usually a good idea to listen to her.
So- Darling Debbie- here you go. Mom started a blog.
For the first entry, I suppose I should explain the title. Choose PEACE.
It is an homage to a beautiful, young, Catholic girl I never had the honor to meet. Her name is Sara. I found Sara's blog, Choose Joy, (http://gitzengirl.blogspot.com/) after two of my children were diagnosed with a genetic degenerative illness and I began combing the Web for anything I could find about it. Sara has many followers who never met her anywhere but in her blog.
Sara's faith in the face of her illness completely overwhelms me. Reading the entries in her blog, one senses the profound trust she has in her Savior- trust that overshadows the cross she bears.
I will leave you to follow her story. She began the blog several years ago, but I invite you to fall in love with her beginning with the June 29, 2011 post. It is an arbitrary day- it happens to be my wedding anniversary. But from there, you will get a sense of this amazing young woman. http://gitzengirl.blogspot.com/2011_06_01_archive.html > It sounds like a lot, but it is worth your time.
So, when mulling over a blog title, I kept coming back to "Choose Joy," but knew I could not appropriate that from Sweet Sara. Besides- I'm not there yet. In fact, I'm more than a little envious that a woman in her 20's could be there!
Nope. I fully admit, I am not ready to look at any situation life throws at me and choose joy.
So I started considering the other fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Pop quiz.... can you name them??
Peace, Patience, Gentleness, Generosity, Joy, Kindness, Love and Self Control. Some people may throw others in, but they tend to be sub-sets of these eight. Of the remaining seven options, I chose Peace.
Just as a side note, "peace" is also the meaning of my name in Greek.
And perhaps one day, when I find myself choosing peace, I'll be able to choose joy- and know that Sara is smiling.