We the People...
...Not individuals, but a whole. Not a collective, but a group of people with a common goal.
...in order to form a more perfect Union...
...Not absolutely perfect- more perfect. We know there's work to do along they way, and that's OK.
...establish justice...
...Justice. That doesn't mean everything is fair to everyone. It does mean common sense and common decency and that every human being is treated equally under the law. But remember: equal does not mean the same.
...ensure domestic tranquility...
... This does not happen with leadership bent on creating division among the people at every possible turn. There can be no domestic tranquility when people racially stereotype themselves to play on others' consciences. There can be no domestic tranquility when people of faith are demonized because of that faith. There can be no domestic tranquility when those who have worked hard and accumulated wealth are demonized because they- GASP- have worked hard and accumulated wealth. (We can be a tad snarky about inherited wealth. I'll give us that one :-) )
...provide for the common defense...
... Common defense, the defense of all human life. From the moment of conception to the moment of natural death. Without exception. Without compromise. Without apology. Sometimes that means war. I'm a very proud US Air Force Mom, so I understand that. You're welcome.
...promote the general welfare...
... Again, the best for all involved. This does not mean a re-distribution of wealth. It does not mean forcing people to act against their deeply held beliefs, religious or otherwise. It does not mean policing what people put on their plates. I does mean acting in the best interest of the society as a whole. It means making sure that those who possess the talent for college can find a way to pay for it, not discriminating against middle-class students while giving a free ride to others, simply because their skin is darker or they are 'disadvantaged.' Not everyone is college material, not everyone should go to college. It means basic medical care at affordable prices- NOT taxing everyone else to death to pay for it. It doesn't mean murdering children because they will be born disabled, or poor- or a girl. It does not mean dispensing Class- A carcinogens to 15 year-old girls without their parents' knowledge and calling it 'healthcare.' It does not mean promoting destructive lifestyles and calling them 'normal.' It does not mean re-defining the basic unit of all society and calling it 'progress.' Above all, it does not mean vilifying anyone who holds traditional beliefs by calling them a racist, homophobe, misogynist, or -heaven forbid- a Jesus freak. Ok, we'll wear that last one with pride.
...and secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity...
... Isn't funny-sad that the first liberty given to us by the Constitution...the very reason so many people came to this land in the first place... is the first one to be so boldly challenged that it could become extinct? If we lose the freedom to practice our religion how we see fit, if the government seizes the power to come in and tell us what we can and cannot do in terms of our relationship with Almighty God.... I don't know how to finish that sentence, because every option that has crossed my mind scares the hell out of me. All I can think is ---If we lose Freedom of Religion, what's next? Freedom of speech? Freedom of the press? Freedom of assembly?
...do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
...For nearly 230 years, our Constitution has been the blueprint for freedom. I cannot believe how it has been abused in my lifetime. From an imaginary 'right to privacy' that somehow allowed for the legalized murder of a child in the womb, to forcing the entire working population to pay for something many do not want under the federal government's taxing authority, to the whole idea of the judiciary on every level creating legislation from the bench in violation of separation of powers... I am floored. I cannot believe how many people care so little for our country that they place their personal agendas above the good of the country as a whole.
As Catholics, we faced persecution for a long time in this land. We hear stories every day of the persecution and martyrdom of Christians around the world. We are next.
Buckle up. The time for our complacency has ended; the time to act is now. The 2012 election was not a defeat, it was a wake-up call. Our bishops are united- when's the last time THAT happened? The next year may radically change not only our country, but our Catholic Church in our country.
It scares me. I admit it.
We may see an end to Catholic hospitals, Catholic schools, Catholic charitable work. But that is what this government wants. They want the Catholic Church to go away. We are a thorn in their side, and boy- do we make them look bad!
We educate over 2 MILLION children in our primary and secondary schools. One in five patients are cared for in Catholic hospitals. I can't even begin to guess how many millions of people receive help in the form of food, clothing, shelter and counseling from Catholic social service agencies. And we do it far more efficiently and less expensively than the federal government could ever hope. We are their competition because when we heal, educate, feed, clothe and shelter people...well, the government doesn't get to. They don't get people depending on THEM for help- which is exactly what they want... to ever so slowly take the fiercely independent people of the United States and turn every last one of us dependent on mother country for everything we need.
It is a sad fact that over half of self-reported Catholics voted to keep this administration. But think about that. How many people do you know who call themselves Catholics, yet we see them at Mass only twice a year? Something has changed for the better: our Protestant brothers and sisters are united with us. Heck we even have NON- Protestants like Glenn Beck (fallen-away Catholic, practicing Mormon) and Mike Huckabee ( Baptist- they do not consider themselves Protestant)...saying WE ARE ALL CATHOLICS NOW.
That is a really bold statement. In a way, we should thank Mr. Obama. He has given the faithful Catholics- and other Christians- of this country an opportunity to educate the general public on the dangers of artificial contraception and abortion- and infringement on religious freedom. We can be out there- loud and proud- and speak the truth. Truth they have no defense against, save "it's a woman right to choose." A disgusting, weak platitude with nothing to back it.
So, in closing, thank you, Mr Obama. You have united faithful Catholics. You have brought our separated brethren closer to us in our defense. You have given us a chance to share our faith in a very public forum. You have made for us the opportunity to stand up boldly for our faith in an unprecedented manner.
I pray we do not waste what you have so generously provided.
May Our Lady spread her mantle over our country under her titles of the Immaculate Conception, Patroness of the United States and Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Unborn. Amen.
1 comment:
Bob Ackerman responds: Problem is that today we have "WE THE PEOPLE" and various groups of "THEM THE PEOPLE" The Dems are very good at segmenting the population into voting power centers and customizing messages and promises for each individual common interest group.
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