Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spy Wednesday

From the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 26: 14-16
The one of the twelve- called Judas Iscariot- went to the chef priests and said, "What will you give me if I deliver him to you?" They paid him 30 pieces of silver and from that moment he sought an opportunity to betray him.

Today is Spy Wednesday, traditionally the day in which Judas met with the chief priecst and set in motion the events of the Triduum (Latin for "three days" and meaning Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday).

The thirty pieces of silver represented the bounty for a wanted man- and the price of a man's life (for example, the accidental killing of another's slave) .

This is, of course, the first of many betrayals of the Lord during his Passion. First Judas. Then Peter. Then the rest of the disciples (with the exception of John) finally betray him by abandoning him.

But "WE" would never do that, would we?  We know who Christ is- we would never betray him!

We do. Every day.

We betray Christ when we allow people to speak falsehoods about his Church.
We betray Christ when -with full knowledge and consent- we break any of the Commandments (which is a mortal sin, despite one one RCIA director believes)
We betray Christ when we fail to speak up when we see others participating in objectively sinful behavior.
We betray Christ when we fail to stand up for the rights of the most helpless among us.
We betray Christ when anything in this world becomes more important to us than Jesus Christ and his desire for us to be in heaven with him.

You can find a good examination of conscience here. Look it over and get to Confession.

Remember- Judas did not repent and died. Peter repented and lived. And Peter, our first Pope, is proof that the Lord writes straight with crooked lines.

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