Monday, February 11, 2013

Non Habemus Papam... (well in a couple weeks, anyway)

Can you stand one more person offering a reflection on the resignation of BXVI?

As I was tossing around topics for a pre-Ash Wednesday post, I had a few good ideas.

Then Pope Benedict XVI dropped his bombshell. So far, this is my favorite Facebook comment:
“The winner of the best ‘What-I’m-giving-up-for-Lent’ EVER is…Pope Benedict!”

Well, I thought it was cute.

First, I laud Pope Benedict for his faithful service to the Lord through the Church and to God’s people. John Paul II was a tough act to follow- a Holy Father well- loved, eloquent, holy and kind… and the only Pope many Catholics (including myself) could really remember. 

Benedict XVI was elected on a Tuesday. I clearly recall this, because on Tuesdays we have Mass at 12:10 at St. John’s. The usual group began to straggle into the sacristy a little before noon. Then someone came in and said, “They announced white smoke- they elected a pope!” Well, we all looked around… and while I would like to say that we went ahead with Mass, praying fervently and offering up intentions for the new Holy Father…yeah. No. We cancelled Mass and high-tailed it home to watch the announcement live. 

The headlines the next day read : Papa Razzi …. The German Shepherd…. X-V-I, He’s our guy. 

So, now we revisit the process we saw in 2005, with a few modifications. No official mourning period being the biggest. Yet I am amazed by the sorrow everyone has been expressing- almost as if our beloved Papa Razzi has died.

There is a hidden blessing in the whole situation. With a handful of exceptions, each new Holy Father has been thrust into the arena without the guidance of the old. No training, no peaceful transition of power as we have in the change of presidents. Nope. He gets elected, they throw a set of vestments on him in the Room of Tears. Then they push him out onto the balcony announcing “Habemus Papam.” 

Yes, it is a sad time.... but what a blessing!!!

While Pope Benedict cannot name his successor, he may make recommendations. Our new Pope will have the Holy Father-emeritus to turn to as he sees fit, rather than being alone to navigate the Barque of Peter. I think that will be a comfort to the next successor of Peter.

Imagine- an advisor without an agenda!

Pray for the cardinal-electors as they prepare for the conclave. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide each of their hearts as they prepare to elect the next Vicar of Christ. Pray for our next Holy Father- whoever he may be- that he faithfully guide the One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church and bring the world closer to Jesus Christ. 


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