Thursday, March 14, 2013

It's Pi Day, Pi Day....What does that have to do with GOD?

If you have never heard it, THIS will take you a really great song about PI :-) ( safe for work)

Yes, friends, today is PI DAY.... 3.14. In two years it will be really fun, we get two more digits!

A few years ago, Pi Day fell on a Sunday, so I asked the PREP (Sunday School, Religious Education) students to help me figure out  how God is like PI.... and how God is like PIE. Naturally, we had PIE for snack that day while we brainstormed. The younger students didn't understand Pi, but they did PIE. So everyone joined in the fun.

Here are a few of their observations...

God is like PIE...he is always good.
God is like PI... he goes on forever.
God is like PIE...he is sweet.
God is like PI...he is part of the cricle of life ( how awesome is THAT??)

They had other answers, those are the ones I recall off the top of my head.
The point I made to the students was that math- as much as some will grow to hate it as they move into the complicated stuff- has always been proof to me that there is a God- and Pi is the icing on the cake.

You see, I am a scientist by nature. I was a chemistry major first time around in college. Unlike some people who educate themselves out of belief in God, the more I learned, the more I saw God at work...planting Easter eggs for those who bother to recognize them.

Pi... a number that never ends and never repeats itself, and is completely wrapped up in the geometry of  circles- which themselves represent eternity (as in wedding rings). Circular geometry is utterly fascinating! The circumference of a circle is ALWAYS Pi times twice the radius. Always. The area of a circle is always Pi
time the radius squared. Always.

Fibonacci numbers (0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21...)- each number in the sequence is the sum of the two numbers before it. Fibonacci numbers are found throughout nature, you can learn more about them HERE . You can have fun with Fibonacci numbers and Pascal's triangle, too....

And here is another fun observation....
12 + 12 = 1x2
12 + 12 + 22 = 2x3
12 + 12 + 22 + 32 = 3x5
12 + 12 + 22 + 32 + 52 = 5x8
12 + 12 + 22 + 32 + 52 + 82 = 8x13

Do you see the pattern? How cool is that??? The formula is : 12 + 12 + 22 + 32 + ... + F(n)2 = F(n)F(n+1)
and it is true for ANY n from 1 upwards.

Avogadro's number. Around here, we jokingly call it avocado's number...which inevitably leads to a discussion about guacamole ( we have a weird collective humor....). 6.02x 10^23 ( I don't know how to type exponents here!). That is the number of atoms in one mole of a substance, and that mole will weigh in grams the atomic weight of that substance. One mole of carbon 12 weighs 12 grams. That's why stoichiometry is so much fun!

The Golden Ratio? You see it everywhere and don't even realize it. That rectangle that just looks.... right?  Probably has Golden Ratio proportions. Architects often use it when designing buildings. Cool stuff.

Look at the basic building blocks of matter: atomic and sub-atomic particles. They are all the same. Put them together the right way and you get hydrogen or helium or gold or YOU.

Move the earth a little closer- or farther- from the sun...and life ceases to exist. 

The higher you get in mathematics and science, the more you can see--- none of this is an accident. It's nothing short of God sending out a 'ping' just to see if you are paying attention. To believe anything else is simply arrogant.

When I was a child, I remember watching "Cosmos" with Carl Sagan (an atheist- just saying). His whole approach was geared toward making us realize how small and insignificant the earth is in the grand scheme of the universe...and we as humans even less so.

Somehow, I missed that feeling as I studied math and science, my wonder and awe saw something different.

When God created it all- from the first minute particle onward...he knew I was going to be a part of his wonderful creation.

And when Jesus Christ hung on the cross, he did it for me.

I am not less than insignificant in the infinite universe. I am a wonderful and unique child of God, desired and planned for by HIM from all eternity....

...and so are you. Don't ever forget that!

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