Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Second Joyful Mystery- The Visitation

The Second Joyful Mystery of the Rosary: The Visitation

Unable to pick up her cell and call her relative, Elizabeth, Mary set out to see for herself if what Gabriel said was true: Elizabeth- in her old age- was pregnant. When Mary entered Elizabeth's house, she called out to her, and what does Elizabeth say? " Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb!" (LK 1: 42) This 
is the next part of the HAIL MARY- yes, that is right! The HAIL MARY IS SCRIPTURAL!!

Now listen to Liz's next words: "But who am I that the mother of my Lord should come to me?" (LK1:43) Yes, folks, you read it in the Bible: inspired by the Holy Spirit, Elizabeth calls MARY THE MOTHER OF THE LORD! Woo-Hoo!!!

Once again, though, Mary turns our gaze back to GOD! She begins her beautiful Magnificat: My soul magnifies the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my savior, for he has looked upon his servant in her lowliness and all ages to come shall call me blessed." (LK 1:46 and following- read it- it's quite beautiful)

SO---- Anytime you call that girl from Nazareth the BLESSED Mother- YOU, yes YOU are fulfilling Biblical prophecy. How cool is that!! LK 1:56 tells us Mary remained 3 months with Elizabeth. Gabriel had said Elizabeth was 6 months along....Mary likely (and this is my conjecture) stayed to help with the birth of--------JOHN THE BAPTIST, who as we saw in LK 1:41, already recognized the presence of Christ when the two were in their mothers' wombs. So- the first time they met was in a little house in Bethany. Pretty neat!

What do we learn from the Visitation? We need to be both Mary and Elizabeth: We must BRING Christ to others and we must learn to SEE Christ in others.

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