Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Third Joyful Mystery- The Nativity of Christ

The Third Joyful Mystery is the Nativity of Jesus Christ. 

God could have sent his son into the world any way he wanted. He chose to send him as a helpless infant. Why? 

Step back a moment and think about this -albeit absurd- example. You are a child and you can't get the lid off the peanut butter jar. There are two men who can help you: a mighty king on a throne, regaled in jewels and obvious sp
lendor, or a guy in jeans, t-shirt and sneakers, who actually looks a lot like you. Who is more easily approachable? 

Jesus Christ came as an infant, a helpless child, and lived the life we lived. He felt love. He felt friendship. He felt anger. He felt betrayal. He laughed. He grieved. He bled. He died. He loved us enough to enter our human experience so that we might enter HIS life. Like us in all things but sin, he took on our humanity so that we might have a share in his divinity : eternal life with him in heaven.

Why should we expect this life be easy for us, when our Lord didn't even make it easy on himself? His life is our example, his death our redemption, his rising our hope. 

The lesson of the Third Joyful Mystery is this: we can never know what greatness lies in the smallest of human life (even the pre-born). We must protect it, cherish it and nurture it for our Lord sanctified human life by taking on human flesh. He became our brother so we could become children of the Most High. Not bad for a homeless kid born to an unwed, teen mom.

 ***Now before you go chiding me, yes, I know Mary was betrothed, but she had no business being pregnant- which is why Joseph was going to divorce her. And they were traveling, not homeless...WORK WITH ME HERE :-) ***

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