Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Second Sorrowful Mystery- The Scourging at the Pillar

The Second Sorrowful Mystery- The Scourging at the Pillar

MT 27:26, MK 15:15, JN 19:1

The Gospels are remarkably silent on the scourging. Pretty much all they say is "Pilate had Jesus scourged."

Which makes one wonder.... WHY? Why not say more?

The answer is simple- because their readers fully understood what scourging meant.

Some years ago, I read a book called A Doctor at Calvary by Pierre Barbet. It was a difficult read for two reasons. First, it was originally written in French, and was translated into English by a native speaker of French, so a lot of the phrasing was awkward. Second, the subject matter. Through extensive research, Barbet learned the physiology of Roman crucifixion, and the antecedent torture that usually accompanied it.

After whichever-Pope-it-was read it, he received Barbet and with tears told him, "We didn't know.No one had ever told us."

I have not seen- I refuse to see- "The Passion of the Christ", because I know what happens; A Doctor at Calvary was one of the references Mel Gibson used when writing the screenplay. Besides, I won't watch "Titanic" either.  [SPOILER ALERT: the boat sinks. I hope I didn't ruin it for you :-) ]

Long, gruesome story short, scourging was done with leather straps tied to a stick. Each of the straps had a lead weight at the end. The weights pummeled and tenderized the skin of the victim, then the leather straps eventually sliced open the bruised skin. It was so severe, many victims never made it to their crosses.

Yet it was our infirmities that he bore, our sufferings that he endured, While we thought of him as stricken, as one smitten by God and afflicted. But he was pierced for our offenses, crushed for our sins, Upon him was the chastisement that makes us whole, by his stripes we were healed. (Isaiah 53:4-5)

In a coloring book about the Rosary that I wrote some years ago, this mystery is represented by a picture of Jesus back. The color-er was to add the scourge marks... remembering that each of them was inflicted by each of us individually. I did that. You did it, too. Every sin, Jesus took the hit. No one ever wanted to take the red crayon to that page. Until I went through an examination of conscience with them and asked them to make a mark every time they had committed a sin I mentioned. Most of the students were in tears by the time we finished.

Prior to the order to scourge Jesus, Pilate offered a deal to the people. He would release a prisoner to them. He really wanted to release Jesus, but when offered them a choice, they chose the prisoner Barabbas.

The prefix BAR. Means "son of."   ABBAS... was a title Jesus used addressing God the Father. It is the equivalent of "dad" or "father."   The people called for the release of Barabbas.... the son of the father. Hmmmmmmmm......... makes you think, doesn't it?

Now, let's get back to Pilate for a moment. He really did try to find a way to set Jesus free- especially after the dream his wife had to "not interfere in the case of that holy man." (MT27:19) Her concern was for her husband, not Jesus. Pilate repeatedly said he found no guilt in Jesus. yet he failed to stand up the crowd because he was afraid.

Lesson #1 of the Second Sorrowful Mystery- sin is an ugly word. And every time I sin, I add another lashing to Jesus' back. Kinda puts things in perspective, doesn't it?

Lesson #2- When your gut is telling you what is right, and the crowd says the opposite...do the right thing.

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